Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Getting Started

Starting a workout regime is often both a daunting and overwhelming task. Compare it to that first day of school, when the teacher gives you a syllabus and shows you all the work that will be expected the entire semester/year. With so many different workouts and diets out there, it is hard to know which one is best.
Especially for a beginner, its hard to know which workout is most effective. In fact, some may not even know where to start. Especially in place like gym where someone who has no experience using the machines and/or free weights. It's easy to feel more embarrassed rather than actually accomplished with your workout when you don't know what you are doing.

"The hardest part is walking through the door" is a phrase I have heard over and over again about exercising. I do agree that walking through the door is part of the challenge with exercising; but, for the newbie at the gym the hardest part is what to be done and how to do it correctly. A person who is new to the gym may be motivated to walk through the door; but, may feel intimidated about using some of the equipment. If you do exercises efficiently and correctly you will see results quicker, you will work out safer and be more productive. Going to the gym and getting a good workout will make you want to go more often. Anyone can walk through a gym door, but what you actually do in the gym is what's going to give you results.

A personal trainer, an experienced friend or books are great ways to know what workout will work best for you. It all depends on why you are training. Are you doing it for health, loosing weight, cardiovascular fitness, muscle toning, muscle gaining, competitive events or do you just want to adjust your physical appearance? When you narrow these down it narrows the broad spectrum of workouts that are out there.

A good piece of advice I can give you is to break a sweat a least 4 days a week. You don't have to feel exhausted after a workout; in fact, you should be energized. 20-30 minutes should give you enough of a workout to break a sweat. This is idea will help to maintain your body weight and prevent health problems such as Diabetes and Cardiovascular disease.

Today I was inspired and ran almost 4 miles before I went to work. I knew I just needed to get out in the fresh air and run. What is great about running is it's free, all you need is the motivation and some decent running shoes. Start slow and work your way up, start with walking if you have to. The main thing to keep in mind about all exercise is safety, so that you prevent injury and your workouts will continue.

The half marathon is coming up fast and for all of us who need to start, START! It doesn't matter how fast or far but that you are getting out there. Your body needs time to adjust to running 4-5 days a week. All of your ligaments, tendons and bones will adjust over time. Don't feel embarrassed if you are not sure how to start, just ask and we'll tell you all about it.

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