Sunday, May 30, 2010

Don't Stop!!

We are doing this!

This last Saturday at Lake Chabot we doubled our attendance and had 6 people running together. Joining Drew, Daniel and myself was Marisa, Nick and Bell, a nurse I work with in the ER. It was a beautiful morning with the sun shining and a cool breeze to our backs. With all of the rain we have been having lately, all of the plants, trees and shrubs are a vibrant green with a soft trail to run on - it was perfect.

The second week can be hard to make it through, a little sore and the pressure of improving your performance can leave you out of breath and exhausted just as you begin. You MUST push through this pain, the first 5-10 minutes are the hardest. Try to get yourself "in the groove" when you run, where it feels like clockwork and you can keep a pace that is comfortable for you.

All of the rolling hills at Lake Chabot are kicking our butts; but, each time we are able to run a little bit longer and faster. Our total mileage was 6.3 miles in an hour on Saturday and we are slowly approaching the halfway mark to the 13.4 miles we will have to run in November - which is very exciting.

May is just about over which gives us about 4 months until the mud run and 5 months until the half marathon, the progress a person can make in 4-5 months with consistent training can be amazing. Look at your goal and do not loose sight of it.

This is Nick and Bell running up the first part of the unpaved trail

Nick was literally 50 yards ahead of us the entire time, we decided from now on he will be known as Nick "Running Wolf" Salazar

I really feel like this picture puts these hills into perspective. When you are running over 6 miles, these make you so tired but are great for your endurance.

Keep up the great work everyone, push through the pain, go get out there and exercise!


  1. It was tough but really motivating. I'm your official caboose :)

  2. Marisa - you're so cute.
    Great pictures Jake!
