Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mission Peak Challenge

Mission Peak
Elevation 2517ft. above sea level

Challenge yourself!! Back in early June, we decided that we did not have the endurance that we wanted. When you suck, get your ass off the ground and make something go right.

The scoop: First person to the 3rd bench at Mission peak wins.

The stakes: Loser drives and buys beer for the winner at The Englander (a local gem in San Leandro).

The setting: September 11th, 2010.

The race: not only a physical but mental challenge. You need training, strategy and determination to win. The early morning was brisk, cool and blue skies ahead.

The details: Honor system, no shortcuts and no cheating. It takes a lot of guts to try and race this mountain. Mission peak is the highest point of the Fremont area with a very steep climb to the top.
The results: At the start line by the gate we were dead even until about 3 minutes where Daniel's speed came into play, he gained about 20 yards and I was eating his dust the entire way. He felt so close but miles away at the same time. Making up that measly distance on that incline was just to tough for me to overcome this time. I must have run about 30-40 seconds behind him at the finish. He fought a good fight and I give him all the glory on this one. I've tasted defeat, and it tastes bitter. Hopefully next year there will be a rematch.
The Winner "Dan the Man"